Thumbnail Sheet From Video
Wanted to make a perl script that would generate a thumbnail sheet from a video. It seems that there are all sorts of tools out there that embed their own garbage onto the sheet - like watermarks - this doesn't.
Since this thrashes the filesystem, I
put it on a ramdisk first, and mounted it on
Code after the jump. It's a bit of a prototype stage, but it's quite mature. Perl script:
123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263 |
use strict;
my @files;
my $dir = '.';
if (! -t STDIN) { @files = <>; }
if (scalar(@files) == 0 && scalar(@ARGV) > 0) {
if (-d $ARGV[0]) { $dir = $ARGV[0]; } else { @files = @ARGV; }
if (scalar(@files) == 0) {
my $cmd = 'find ' . $dir . ' ' .
'-maxdepth 1 ' .
'-name "*.mp4" ' .
'-o -name "*.avi" ' .
'-o -name "*.mkv" ' .
'-o -name "*.wmv" ' .
'-o -name "*.m4v" ' .
'-o -name "*.rm" ' .
'-o -name "*.flv"';
@files = `$cmd`;
my $img_w = 3; my $img_h = 8; my $img_tot = $img_w * $img_h;
my $width = 360;
my $sec_cmd; my $sec;
my $frame_cmd; my $stitch_cmd;
my $step_dur; my $frame_at; my $extr_cnt;
my $dir_tmp = "/tmp/thumbcreate"; system("mkdir -p $dir_tmp");
my $dir_tgt = "thumbs"; system("mkdir -p $dir_tgt");
foreach (@files) {
$sec_cmd = "ffprobe -i \"$_\" -show_entries format=duration " .
"-v quiet -of csv=\"p=0\"";
$sec = `$sec_cmd`; chomp($sec);
$step_dur = $sec / $img_tot;
$step_dur =~ s/\..*//;
for ($frame_at = $step_dur, $extr_cnt = 0;
$frame_at < $sec;
$frame_at += $step_dur, $extr_cnt++) {
$frame_cmd = "ffmpeg -hide_banner -loglevel panic " .
"-accurate_seek -ss $frame_at.00 " .
"-i \"$_\" -y -frames:v 1 " .
"-filter_complex scale=$width:-1 " .
$stitch_cmd = "ffmpeg -hide_banner -loglevel panic " .
"-i $dir_tmp/th_%d.jpg -y " .
"-filter_complex tile=${img_w}x${img_h} \"$dir_tgt/$_.jpg\"";
Ches Koblents
June 4, 2017