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Published Mar 28, 2018
MySQL has an interesting issue - I call it a problem, I think MySQL calls it documented and expected behavior - where if you attempt to insert a row into a table (InnoDB) and the insertion fails due to a constraint violation, it will still increment the auto-increment counter.
The solution, annoying as it is, is to basically do a check while inserting to not even attempt the insert if that particular constraint (or, really, any other constraint you decide) would fail.
Let's say I have a table of "seen devices." Let's say each device checks in once in a while, but I want to poll the list of active devices far more frequently. I don't want to insert entries for devices showing up present if an identical entry (ID and last-seen timestamp) is already present. (Actually, for safety, let's say that if an entry with the same ID and a greater-than-or-equal-to last-seen timestamp is present.) The code (using prepared statements) looks something like this:
INSERT INTO devs_alive (dev_id, last_seen)
        SELECT * FROM (SELECT ?, ?) AS tmp
                SELECT entry_id FROM devs_alive
                WHERE dev_id = ? AND last_seen >= ?
        ) LIMIT 1;

And since we're using prepared statements, you obviously have to bind the parameters, which might look something like:
$stmt = $conn->prepare($query);
$stmt->bind_param('iiii', $dev_id, $last_seen, $dev_id, $last_seen);

$stmt = $conn->prepare($query);
$rows = $stmt->execute($dev_id, $last_seen, $dev_id, $last_seen);
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